Hiring a Virtual Assistant may not be your first thought, when it comes to working out the solution that you need, to get your business where you want it to be. You may not have even heard about a Virtual Assistant or know it could be an option for you to explore. Sometimes thinking outside of the box is just what you need in order to get ahead!
If you are unsure what a VA is, check out our blog post where we explain this in more depth: What are the benefits of using a VA
So, now you are up on the role of a VA, here are 10 reasons why hiring a virtual assistant could have such a positive impact on your business (and personal life!)…
#1 – Save time and money on employee costs and management
Outsourcing is more cost-effective than you may think, as a business owner you don’t get stuck working on low-value tasks such as admin, invoicing, emails, research, etc.). Instead, you can work on bringing more customers into the business which in turn means more sales!
You also only pay for the time working on tasks, so no paid coffee breaks
#2 – Get some of your valuable time back, by reducing your own workload
Having someone else take care of the tasks that don’t need your unique input, will reduce your workload (and stress levels!) by creating bags of time for you to use in whichever way you wish!
#3 – It will give you scope to be able to focus on more important aspects of your business
By outsourcing transferrable tasks, that take your focus away from more valuable aspects of the business, enables you to set your sights on those tasks or new ventures you’ve had in the pipeline, yet not been able to currently launch or achieve.
#4 – A Virtual Assistant will provide you with someone skilled and experienced in areas you may be less so
We all have our strengths and weaknesses. Sometimes it’s hard in business to be able to achieve the highest standards in all areas with limited resources, knowledge and restricted skill sets within the team. Outsourcing the areas within your business where you feel you could improve upon, to a more skilled professional, is a great way to achieve a high standard of work, within all areas, at all times.
#5 – It will give you the opportunity to add extra services to your business that you currently don’t have time for
If your business could improve with extra services provided, yet lack the staff/time to be able to do so, using a VA is a brilliant way to be able to offer these without decreasing other areas.
#6 – It will give you the chance to be able to manage your time better, getting away from those tedious, time-consuming tasks where you could be making better use of your time and skills
We all have those time-consuming tasks that we don’t look forward to. Mostly due to knowing if we had that time to spend on more valuable aspects of the business how much growth and improvement could be made. These tedious tasks are generally very much needed and important to complete, however, outsourcing these will still get them done and free you up to plan more valuable items on your itinerary.
#7 – Increase your profit. Hiring a virtual assistant will be less expensive than a full time employee
You will pay your VA for time spent on tasks. That’s it! This eliminates paying out for breaks, holidays, sickness, pension payments, office space and no energy/utility bills attached to the VA.
#8 – A Virtual Assistant can work various hours, eliminating the need to keep a full time employee busy during set hours.
Having set core hours can work great at times, yet other times you need much more flexibility. Deadlines that come in with short timeframes when your employees are unable to fulfill these due to time restrictions isn’t ideal. A VA will generally be able to be more flexible when it comes to working hours and fitting around your business schedule and needs. Hiring a virtual assistant eliminates those times where business is a little quieter than usual and you have no tasks to delegate to your employee, yet you still need to pay them.
#9 – There’s no need to find office space or have office overheads. A Virtual Assistant will have their own office
No need to look for a bigger unit to house all your staff, plus take away the surprise of hefty bills landing through your letterbox for office space and all that comes with it. A VA will have their own space to work from and will require you to outlay no finances for energy/utility bills.
#10 – You feel overloaded or need to expand to grow the business, yet you don’t want to take on another employee
Feeling overloaded and being busy is great for business! Not so much for individuals or teams that are being stretched too thin on the ground though! Standards can start to slip, you can get caught in a vicious cycle of catch up and can’t move forward, without making a break out of where you are. That’s where a VA can be the best decision you could make for your business. Get outsourcing those tasks that can be taken on by someone else, freeing yourself and your team up to get the business moving forward, regain some calm within the business and bring down those stress levels to create more efficient, balanced and productive working force.
Hopefully this has helped you to see that there are more options than what you may have originally thought and how hiring a virtual assistant could just be the right decision for you to make.
We would love to hear from you, to discuss, all you are looking to achieve and how we can help make that a reality! Best wishes, the We Group.